Community Group
Leader Updates

May 7, 2024

As someone who has been in your shoes, leading a Community Group, I understand the challenges you might be facing. I remember when my group was just starting - we were all enthusiastic and eager to grow together and forge deep connections. But as time went on, I began to experience moments when it felt like we were just going through the motions. I found myself showing up primarily because of the commitment I made and not necessarily because of what God was doing in and through me. I want you to know, if you're in that space right now, it's perfectly okay. It's a part of a group's life cycle. I've been there, and I've come out on the other side.

So, let me ask you this: 'Where are you as a Community Group Leader?' Are you flourishing and loving your community group? Or, like I once was, are you faithful because it's a commitment you made?

If you're feeling the latter, we want to encourage you to take a moment, lean into that feeling, and pray. It's possible that the Holy Spirit is urging you to consider a change. This could mean passing the baton to another group member and setting out on a new adventure to start a new group. Or, you may want to partner with someone else in the group and lean into some changes the group can make. Our community is about growth, both personal and spiritual, and sometimes that growth stems from change. So if you're willing to embrace this change, we're here to support you in your discernment and equipping process. We would love to partner with you, helping you navigate what the next step for you and your group could look like. If this is you I want to encourage you to take this step. Consider what God may be doing in this season of your life. In the coming weeks, I will send out more information about an event this summer where we will lean into this with you and will help you discern what the next steps for you could look like.

— An End-of-Year Gift for You — 

Finally, We are giving you an opportunity to get a new book by John Mark Comer called, "Practicing The Way." This isn't just a book, it's an invitation - an invitation to not just have “saving faith”, but to truly follow Jesus. The essence of biblical Christianity, Comer suggests, is to be with Jesus, become like Him, and do as He did. This invitation is the core of Jesus’ message, and, arguably, the missing component in modern Christianity. This book is a deep dive into this foundational invitation and is both joyous and convicting.

Our pastors have been echoing these sentiments for years. While we've made strides in inviting people into community, we're now stepping up to the transformative invitation of biblical Christianity - following Jesus. With "Practicing The Way," we have a guide to becoming more like Jesus - to learn His lifestyle, become His apprentice, and "remain in the vine" as stated in John 15. This is our focus for 2025 - to fully embrace this lifestyle as a church. Click here to get a free copy of the book.

Looking forward to growing together,
Tiffany & James

"We exist to gather and to scatter. Gathering to grow, scattering to move the gospel."