Latest Message
You are Not your Sin (Pt 4)
Sunday, Mar 23, 2025
Lent is a time of reflection and anticipation as we prepare to celebrate Easter. So, here’s the question: How does understanding the core of evil...
Seeking a supportive faith community in Thornton, Colorado? Crossroads Church welcomes all, regardless of background or circumstance. Our Sunday services center around Biblical messages, fostering a spirit of authenticity and shared worship. Join us for authentic connection and spiritual renewal. Crossroads Church in Thornton was established in 2007 and the Crossroads Community Center in Northglenn (our original church was established in 1961).
Our foundation is the Bible, our leader is Jesus, and our purpose is to serve people toward and connect people with Him. Serving is at the core of who we are, because serving creates receptivity, inspires community, and reinforces identity. As we serve people, hearts become receptive to the Gospel, community is inspired among us, and we identify with the servant heart of Jesus.
We gather together every week to celebrate and refocus our hearts and minds on God. We don’t dress to impress or attempt to entertain. We worship Jesus as authentically as we know how. We pray, sing, read the Bible, give, and serve others inside and outside of the church building in order to bring the good news of Jesus’ Kingdom to anyone who will listen. We gather in smaller Community Groups throughout the week so that we can have authentic connection with like-minded people as we grow in faith and navigate the trials and triumphs of this life. That’s who we are.
The Scriptures of the Old and the New testaments are inspired and the inerrant Word of God in original writings, as God’s complete revelation of His will for salvation. We believe they are the final authority in all matters to which they speak. — 2 Timothy 3:16-17
The Trinity is one God eternally existing in three persons. Father, Son and Holy Spirit. These three are equal in divine perfection and perform distinct but harmonious roles. — Matthew 28:19
God the Father is an infinite, personal Spirit, perfect in holiness, wisdom, power, and love. He is concerned personally with the affairs of all humanity, hears and answers prayer and saves people from sin and eternal death when they come to Him through Jesus Christ. — Acts 17:24-28
God the Son is Jesus Christ who has precisely the same nature, attributes and perfections as God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. He is true God and true man conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. We believe in His sinless life, substitutionary atonement, bodily resurrection, ascension into heaven, priestly intercession on behalf of His people and in His personal, visible return from heaven in the last days. — John 1:1-3
God the Holy Spirit is equal with God the Father and God the Son. He works in regeneration, sanctification and preservation. His work is to implement Christ’s work of redeeming the lost and empowering the believer for godly living and service. — 1 Corinthians 2:10-11
Salvation is a gift of God given by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Salvation is based upon the sovereign grace of God and was purchased by Christ on the cross, and is received through faith apart from any human merit, works, or ritual. Salvation is characterized by righteous living, good works and proper social action and concern. — Ephesians 2:4-5
The Church is the spiritual body of Christ. Christ is the head of this body composed of all persons who, through saving faith in Jesus Christ, have been regenerated by the Holy Spirit. Local assemblies make up the visible church whose members have been immersed upon a credible confession of faith and gather regularly for worship, instruction, evangelism and service. The two ordinances of Crossroads Church are believer’s baptism by immersion and the Lord’s Supper. — 1 Corinthians 12:12-13
Christian conduct is a vital part of the individual’s life. We believe that the supreme task of every believer is to glorify God in life and conduct, and be blameless before the world. Each Christian should be a faithful steward of all possessions and seek to honor God in the use of them and in regular biblical giving to God’s work through the local church. Christian conduct means that every area of life is lived in full stature of maturity in Christ as individuals grow in their relationship to Him. — James 1:19-27
The coming of Christ will be eminent and is the bodily resurrection of the saved and lost, the eternal existence of all people in either heaven or hell, in divine judgment, rewards and punishments. — Matthew 24:36-39