Community Group
Leader Updates

July 23, 2024

Hey Leaders,

We hope you’ve had an amazing summer! As we prepare for fall and the new Community Group year, we have a few exciting updates to share.

August 4th: Fall Community Lobby Event!
Mark your calendars for August 4th! We’re hosting our fall Community Lobby event, where we’ll explore the essence of being in community. Pastor James will kick things off with a powerful sermon on the value of community. He’ll delve into the concept of ‘rugged individualism’—how it started with Adam and Eve and evolved into what we see today. He'll explore how this mindset has evolved into 'ruthless individualism' and contrast it with the biblical model of interdependence that we see in Acts 2.

Following the sermon, join us in the lobby and on the patio for our Community Lobby event. This is your opportunity to model community, share about community, and answer questions about our groups and signups. For those new to the idea of community, we'll guide them through baby steps like checking out NEXT, Generations, or the Pursuit. Be sure to hang out before and after your usual service to meet and greet those curious about community. We'll have name tags for you to wear and info for you to have ready for those interested in taking a next step.

Fall Leader Kickoff Event: We also want to invite all leaders, co-leaders, and hosts to our fall kickoff event on Tuesday, August 20, from 6:30-8 pm in the Youth Room. Enjoy a delicious dinner and preview what's in store for the upcoming Community Group year.

We’re excited about what’s ahead and can’t wait to share it with you!

Have a blessed week,
Tiffany & Pastor James