Dwight and Barb Bolick

CHILE - Ministering to the Mapuche of southern Chile who are among the poorest of the poor, the Bolick’s minister to both the Spiritual as well as the physical needs of these people. Dwight has found ways to help them install rain water systems to have clean water. He teaches bi-vocational pastors to be bee keepers to sustain their families. Barbara has helped the women gain a sense of self-worth by guiding them to a profitable revival of their ancient art of weaving. She has written a curriculum and trains leaders for girls’ clubs to teach girls self-worth in a society where they are often exploited.

Barbara and Dwight are currently on a Special Assignment, based currently in College Station, Texas. Barb is completing a Ph.D. in Youth Development, in order to make the Talita Cumi Girls' Clubs project both evidence-based and effective. She is introducing the Girls' Clubs in Bolivia and continues supporting the program in Chile, as she provides mentor training and contextualized written materials. Dwight is training partners in Central America in rainwater harvesting, installing model systems, encouraging its use in addressing the severe water crises throughout the region.

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