Mike and Becky Mann

NORTHERN THAILAND - Mike and Becky Mann head the Integrated Tribal Development Program ministering to the hill tribes of northern Thailand since 1989. Hill tribes have long struggled with the effects of growing opium as well as subsistence farming due to lack of accessible water. As a result, they sold their daughters into labor exploitation in the cities. Through the work of the Manns, negotiating profitable coffee contracts and developing water projects (with the help of short term mission volunteers) the tribal people have been able to improve their standard of living. As they improve their standard of living schools, then medical clinics, have been added. With all of this there is an evangelism component. Many of the people are animists or Buddhist, but they always want to know why people with the Manns would come to help and this opens the door to telling about Jesus.

BIRTHDAYS - Mike (August 9), Becky (February 27)

ANNIVERSARY - July 7, 1984

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