Mohan and Sangeeta Tamang

NEPAL - Mohan and Sangeeta Tamang are natives of Nepal and have been in Church planting ministry in Youth With a Mission (YWAM) since 1987. Currently they are directing  a YWAM ministry called Community Transformation Ministry (CTM) which has 14 full time staff. The approach of our ministry is to identify the needs of the community and work with the  local people to meet those needs as a living witness to the love of Jesus.

One goal they have for 2022 is to build homes for the Chepang families. Due to the generosity of Crossroads, in February, we supported the building of two new homes.  

A few things that you can pray for are:  they will continue to be healthy as they care and serve for others who are ill,  get supplies to build homes and can work to develop the community, and that they soon will be able to meet in groups. 

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