Sunday Morning Services
Middle school: We call it The In Between, and it takes place in the Youth Room or Room 202. It’s ice breakers, games, and true-to-life discussions. We invite our kids to owning their faith for themselves bridging the gap between Sunday school and youth group—and having lots of fun along the way.
High school: We invite high schoolers to attend church with their families; they’re old enough to worship with the rest of the community!
Serving: We encourage middle- and high-schoolers to volunteer when they can. Our Family and Weekend Services teams especially draw on consistent, responsible volunteers from Crossroads Students!
Sunday Nights
Crossroads Students Night (Youth Group) is Sunday afternoons, 6-8pm for grades 6-12. After a time of worship and teaching, kids disperse by age and gender for small group discussion, and close out the time with something fun—and sometimes something crazy.
Join us for our current series. If you are new to Crossroads’ Students, pre-registration is available.
Student RegistratioNliability form