Weekly Discussion Guide

LUKE Season 4 (Pt 2)

Parable of the Good Samaritan

by Pastor Matt Manning on May 30, 2021


1. Open with prayer. (2-5 min)
2. Share your story:
Describe a time when someone extended mercy to you. How did that gesture impact your relationship with that person?
3. Read Luke 10:25-37
4. Discuss these questions with your group. (20-45 min)

Looking back at your notes from this week’s message, was there anything you heard for the first time, stuck with you, challenged or confused you?

Behold, a lawyer stood up to put him to the test, saying, “Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” (Luke 10:25)

What are some ways people put conditions on God? Have you ever tried to do this? If so, tell us what happened.

But he, desiring to justify himself, said to Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”(Luke 10:29)

What are some ways people try to justify themselves before God? Have you ever done this? If so, what happened?

Who is my neighbor?

Draw a set of four concentric circles.

In the middle circle, write your name. In the next circle, write the names of those who are closest to you. In the next circle, put the names of people with whom you interact often. In the last circle, identify the groups of people in our culture who are marginalized.

These are your neighbors.

How would you characterize your relationships with these people? How does the health of these relationships impact your relationship with God?

Do you have any unresolved issues with a person that might be hindering your relationship with God? If so, what steps (in addition to praying) could you take to address that challenge?

What is the one important thing you will take away from this weekend’s message or our community group discussion? Is there any challenge, difficulty or praise that you would like to share with the group for prayer?

Tags: relationships, influence, neighbor

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