Weekly Discussion Guide

MVP (Pt 2)

Finding My Core

by Pastor Matt Manning on January 31, 2021


1. Open with prayer. (2-5 min)
2. Share your story ... What's an issue for which you cannot remain silent? (7-10 min)
3. Discuss these questions with your group. (20-45 min)
4. Read Exodus 2-3.

Looking back at your notes from this week's message, was there anything you heard for the first time, stuck with you, challenged or confused you?

One day, when Moses had grown up, he went out to his people and looked on their burdens, and he saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his people. (Exodus 2:11)

What problem in the world wrecks* you?
(*bothers you so much that you're compelled to do something about it?)

The Lord said [to Moses], "I have surely seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt and have heard their cry because of their taskmasters. (Exodus 3:7)

What's something you care about that clearly has God's attention?

"I know their sufferings, and I have come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians ... Come, I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring my people, the children of Israel, out of Egypt." (Exodus 3:8, 10)

When you're living out God's purpose for your life, is He the one acting, or is it you? Could both of these things be happening at the same time? Explain.

Identify the issue that wrecks you, one that God deeply cares about, and figure out your purpose-driven role in addressing that challenge.

What is the one important thing you will take away from this weekend's message or our community group discussion? Is there any challenge, difficulty or praise that you would like to share with the group for prayer?

Tags: conversation, discussion questions, mvp, matt manning, weekly guide

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