Weekly Discussion Guide


From Isolated to Connected

March 21, 2021


1. Open with prayer. (2-5 min)
2. Share your story: A blind spot, by definition, is an area of your life where there's a potential or actual problem—but you can't see it. Talk about a time when you discovered you had a blind spot. How was it pointed out to you? (7-10 min).
3. Read Hebrews 3:12-14
4. Discuss these questions with your group. (20-45 min)

Looking back at your notes from this week’s message, was there anything you heard for the first time, stuck with you, challenged or confused you?

Take care, brothers, lest there be in any of you an evil, unbelieving heart, leading you to fall away from the living God. (Hebrews 3:12)

Why would most Christians resist the idea that they had an evil & unbelieving heart?

Why do some Christians end up falling away from God? What could possibly cause this to happen in your life? What could prevent it?

But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called "today," that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. For we have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original confidence firm to the end. (Hebrews 3:13-14)

Why is it important to give trustworthy people permission to look into our blind spots and tell us what's there?

What could happen if we fail to do this or put this off?

If you're not in a community group, and would like to try one out, check out the open groups at crossroadsabc.com/groups

If you're in a community group, think about upping your normal vulnerability level to give courage to the other members who might be holding back a bit.

What is the one important thing you will take away from this weekend’s message or our community group discussion? Is there any challenge, difficulty or praise that you would like to share with the group for prayer?

Tags: community, no silver bullets

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