1 He is risen!
Sunday, April 17
7am, 8:30am, 10:00am & 11:30am, 10am at Ft. Lupton
Come celebrate Jesus' resurrection with us this Easter.
RSVP below and invite your friends and family! Also if you are interested in helping with Guest Services, we need volunteers.
2 Thanks from Ukraine
Larry and Rebecca Stanton serve with International Ministries in Hungary. Crossroads' giving has enabled their connections with sister churches in Ukraine to coordinate evacuations and aid. Thank you for your generosity and prayers!
3 Halfway there
Please bring your plastic filled easter eggs to the lobby this Sunday. Or you can order them on Amazon below. Thank you!
4 Pastors on Pop
In another special edition, Pastor James and Denise McAnally, Crossroads Kid's Director, discuss how to nurture your spirit while caring for your kids!
This Week's Faith in Action Challenge
Living faith in the context of real life.
Here are the steps of deep grief in the face of heartache: denial, anger, bargaining, melancholy, healthy resignation.Help a parent who is in mourning move through each of these steps—even it all it means is a hug, a meal, or a card. If you find yourself in a state of grief, find an empathetic person to help you walk through this process.
Thank you for your generous support of Crossroads Church. If you want to be a part of the mission of Crossroads through financial support, you can give in three ways. It's simple, yet significant!