1 Invite opportunity
Sunday, September 17, Kick-Off BBQ
We're kicking off a new message series THE FRIENDSHIP DILEMMA with a free BBQ on the patio! Invite friends, neighbors, and coworkers with tickets in the lobby this Sunday.
Learn more here

2 Learn more about us!
Sunday, September 10, 11am-12:30pm, Room 200
Take a next step to learn what Crossroads is all about and how you can get connected. Lunch is provided and kids can attend Kids Class or Students.

sign up for september 10
3 A sweet summer
We had a blast this summer. Family Baptism Night, Back to School Bash, Worship in the Park and more! Celebrate what God has done and reflect on these memories with us.

4 Happy Labor Day
Church offices will be closed this Monday. We hope you have a fun and relaxing holiday!

Tags: message series, friendship, invite, friends, labor day, learn more, how to be a friend, next class, crossroads church, offices closed, crossroadsabc, end of summer bbq, the friendship dilemma, summer bbq, kick-off bbq, friendship series, new message series