Start the Year with Simplicity
Sunday, January 5
This Sunday at Crossroads, we'll be exploring how to create more space in our lives to discover deeper things about ourselves, to encounter God more fully, and to be more present to people in our lives.
NEXT Steps in the New Year
Sunday, January 12, 11am-12:30pm
What is Crossroads Church all about? How can I become more connected to the community? Over lunch, you can get answers to these questions and more. Childcare available: Kids Class or Students Class.
Sign up for Sunday, January 12
Look What God has Done
2024 was an amazing year. From baptisms to Easter Egg hunts to our weekly regular gatherings, we give God all the glory for the community He's given us. Reminisce with us as we say goodbye to 2024!
Your 2024 Year-End-Giving
Thank you for your generous support of Crossroads Church. Two important updates as we enter 2025:
- If you have opted to go paperless, you can download your 2024 giving statement anytime after January 7, 2025. You will not receive a mailed statement.
- If you have NOT opted to go paperless, your paper statements will be mailed by January 31, 2025.
We are so grateful for your continuous and faithful partnership with the mission of Crossroads Church.
Thank you for your generous support of Crossroads Church. If you want to be a part of the mission of Crossroads through financial support, you can give in three ways. It's simple, yet significant!
1) Give Online
2) Mail a check to: Crossroads Church, 10451 Huron St, Northglenn, Colorado 80234
3) Text 'crossroadsabc' to (833) 245-6255 for instructions on how to set up a gift.