Baptism Sunday!
This Sunday, February 23
We're celebrating the life-changing presence of God in the lives of friends and family who have chosen to follow Jesus. Pastor Chris will also share the why of Baptism.
NEXT Steps at Crossroads
Sunday, March 9, 11am-12:30pm
What is Crossroads Church all about? How can I become more connected to the community? Over lunch, you can get answers to these questions and more. Childcare available: Kids or Students.
Men's Gathering
This Tuesday, February 25, 6-8:30pm, Room 200
Join the men's ministry of Crossroads this year. Meet some new guys and enjoy this year's series: Bad Words.
Volunteer Appreciation
Saturday, March 1, 11am-1pm
We are so grateful for the passion and many hours our volunteer teams have put toward the mission and vision of Crossroads this year. If you're a volunteer, please don't forget to RSVP.
Thank you for your generous support of Crossroads Church. If you want to be a part of the mission of Crossroads through financial support, you can give in three ways. It's simple, yet significant!
1) Give Online
2) Mail a check to: Crossroads Church, 10451 Huron St, Northglenn, Colorado 80234
3) Text 'crossroadsabc' to (833) 245-6255 for instructions on how to set up a gift.