Saturday, April 19, 4:30 & 6pm
Sunday, April 20, 8:30, 10, & 11:30am
- Save the Date: Good Friday Service, April 18, 6pm. Details to follow in the coming weeks.
- Prepare to be baptized on Easter weekend, sign up for a Baptism workshop on Sunday, March 23 or Sunday, April 13.
Donate Easter Eggs for the Community
Saturday, April 12, 8:30am-12pm, Crossroads Community Center
Be a part of some Easter fun and help introduce kiddos to Jesus in the Northglenn community by donating candy-filled easter eggs. Wrapped candy only, please.
Community is our Backbone
Community Groups are small groups of people (12-to-15), who meet every week or every other week to walk life together. It's the season to sign up and join a group!
Faith 101
Sundays, March 30 - June 1, 11:15am - 12:15pm, RM 202
This is a safe group to learn the basics of faith and explore whatever questions you have.
If you have a friend who has questions about faith, tell them about this group!
Sign Up Here by Choosing a Learning/Growth Group
Thank you for your generous support of Crossroads Church. If you want to be a part of the mission of Crossroads through financial support, you can give in three ways. It's simple, yet significant!
1) Give Online
2) Mail a check to: Crossroads Church, 10451 Huron St, Northglenn, Colorado 80234
3) Text 'crossroadsabc' to (833) 245-6255 for instructions on how to set up a gift.