Money, Debt and Finances in the Bible

Mar 22, 2022 |
Money is tight. Inflation is high. Will there ever be relief?
Money is the tension that will never, ever, ever go away. And so managing those tensions in a healthy way will have a profound impact on your relationships—with others and with God.
Jesus talked more about money than heaven and hell combined. He would often tell stories as a way of communicating truth. Sixteen of his 38 parables (stories) are about money and possessions.
This series gets real practical and discusses ways to manage your money, how money impacts us and ways to make it work.
#1 Choose Wisely
WATCH: There is an assignment for you at the end of the message.
Every financial decision you make reveals something about your heart.
That is the tension that will never, ever, ever go away. And so managing those tensions in a healthy way will have a profound impact on your relationships—with others and with God.
#2 Find Contentment
Watch as Pastor Matt ends the message by challenging you with two questions.
Money affects so much of our lives. Money literally touches everything, doesn’t it? We can’t get through a day without earning, spending, thinking, or worrying about money. It drives so many of our decisions.
The truth of that matter is that you can’t think that you are in-sync with God relationally and be out of sync with what he says when it comes to your finances. Just like anything else in life–If you just do our own thing and play by your own rules, you are out of sync with God.
#3 Live Debt Free
Watch Pastor Matt as he provides some practical principals to help you climb out of suffocating debt.
Can you relate?
These college loans, they’re killing me.
I wish I didn’t have this debilitating car loan.
We fight all the time because of money.
I want to give more to help people who are in need. But I’m just not able to do that right now.
We had our first child, and I wish that I could stay at home, but I don’t see a way to make that happen.
God wants something better for you than for us to always be in financial stress because of the debt we accumulated in this life.
When it comes to finding freedom and ultimate peace with your finances. You have to choose, this is the day.
#4 Give it Away
Healthy generosity is resting in the knowledge that God is the provider of all things. He is gracious and loves to bless His children. And confident in God’s provision, we give lavishly out of it.
Jesus draws a direct line and says to be rich toward God is to be generous toward the poor. Jesus, says go, sell your possessions— like all of them? No. But sell the possessions that you don’t need; sell some of that extra stuff and give it to someone else in need.
Generosity is a fantastic, deeply-satisfying state to be in, because it is always more blessed to give than it is to receive. In your generosity you will experience what it means to be rich toward God.
#5 Budgeting Magic
Whether we acknowledge it or not, we all have our goals when it comes to finances.
What would God say your financial goals should be?
If everything belongs to God, then everything comes from God, and everything is distributed by God as he sees fit. If that is the case, then there’s only one thing that should drive all of our financial decisions and all the decisions that have anything to do with our stuff: The goal for your finances, scripturally speaking, is to be a wise manager of the resources that God has entrusted you with by honoring Him with them.
When you realize you’re not an owner but only a manager you will begin to live more responsible because you will realize the goal for your finances, is to be a wise manager of the resources that God has entrusted you with, by honoring him with them.