THEOLOGICAL TRUTHS - Basic truths for Christians to know and believe.
In this and the preceding module, we will address the topic of the nature of humankind. This topic is important to address because we must know where we come from and for what purpose we were made. In the previous module we unpacked how humankind was created by God’s design for purpose. In this module we will unpack the biblical teaching of the brokenness in humanity as a result of sin.
discussion #1: broken friendship with goddiscussion #2: universally brokendiscussion #3: the gift of restoration
DISCUSSION #1: Broken Friendship with God
In this and the preceding module, we will address the topic of the nature of humankind. This topic is important to address because we must know where we come from and for what purpose we were made. In the previous module we unpacked how humankind was created by God’s design for purpose. In this module we will unpack the biblical teaching of the brokenness in humanity as a result of sin. This discussion will unpack how, though we were created for purpose and glory, by our own choice, humanity broke relationship with God and our nature has fallen (become sinful).
MY STORY | Starting Place
Is there a relationship that you can share where someone broke trust? Without necessarily sharing the details, how did that experience feel? What lingering triggers did you carry afterwards?
DIGGING DEEPER | Practical Biblical Application
Before we wade into the thick of the module, read Genesis 2 and remind yourself of the basic truth that humankind was created for purpose, glory, and joyful relationship with God. Take note of the loving instruction God gave to Adam in 2:15-17.
Read Genesis 3 and make note of the decisions made. Was it just breaking a rule, or was there something about control, trust, or perhaps something else deeper than just the action?
What does it say about their view of God? Their view of themselves? Their ultimate desires?
GROWING TOGETHER | Spiritual Friendship
There is a parable Jesus shares in Matthew 25:14-30 that somewhat parallels Genesis 3. In this parable there are three people who are given a “talent” to manage on account of the master. The third person does not do well. What was the essence of his error? How does that tie to Genesis 3?
Think about your spiritual journey. Has your insight regarding God’s heart and motives (why God does what he does, or why he is who he is) grown over the years? Are you increasing in your ability to trust in His goodness? How has understanding the person and work of Jesus helped you in this?
MOVING OUTWARD | Faith in Action
Have a conversation with someone about what you learned in the module. In our day, Humanism is a driving narrative in our culture, namely, the belief that people are basically good and if you let them live however they want, they will thrive. Look for that thread in your conversation and insert a biblical perspective as you see fit.
DISCUSSION #2: Universally Broken
In this and the preceding module, we will address the topic of the nature of humankind. This topic is important to address because we must know where we come from and for what purpose we were made. In the previous module we unpacked how humankind was created by God’s design for purpose. In this module we will unpack the biblical teaching of the brokenness in humanity as a result of sin. This discussion will unpack how, flowing from the brokenness of the first man and women, all people are born into this state.
MY STORY | Starting Place
As a child, do you have a memory of something you did wrong and came out to confess it? (hopefully it’s funny now). :)
DIGGING DEEPER | Practical Biblical Application
Read Romans 5:12-21.
We will unpack both sides of this passage in this and the following module.
How can you describe the effect of Adam’s sin?
Does it seem practical and accurate that the effects of His error would cascade into all of humanity? Why or why not?
Romans 3:23 states that, “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”. Is that a more viable explanation for sin in humanity, an effect of individual personal choices?
How can these verses work together to explain the “how” of the fallen nature of humanity?
How can our awareness of this actually be good news?
GROWING TOGETHER | Spiritual Friendship
No doubt we live in a very individualistic culture. How common is it for people in your circle to be self aware enough to fully own their mistakes?
Are you good at owning your mistakes? Do you most often 1) see it and own it, 2) see it and excuse it, 3) have others point it out, 4) feel the results down the road and trace it back to the source?
How do you normally resolve (or move beyond) mistakes?
MOVING OUTWARD | Faith in Action
Is there a person in your life who you could talk with about the fallen nature of humanity? Where do you see it in our larger culture? Consider having a conversation about the universal nature of our fallenness and how it actually puts us all on the same playing field (regardless of the specific expressions of our brokenness).
DISCUSSION #3: The Gift of Restoration
In this and the preceding module, we will address the topic of the nature of humankind. This topic is important to address because we must know where we come from and for what purpose we were made. In the previous module we unpacked how humankind was created by God’s design for purpose. In this module we will unpack the biblical teaching of the brokenness in humanity as a result of sin.
This discussion reveals good news for humanity! The Christian message proclaims that Jesus came to pay the price for our brokenness and ultimately reconnect people, one by one, to God and our created purpose. Romans 5:12-21
MY STORY | Starting Place
Can you think of a gift you received where you desperately wanted to repay the generosity in some way?
DIGGING DEEPER | Practical Biblical Application
Read Romans 5:12-21 again.
What is the premise of the second half of this passage?
What does Paul mean in v.15 when he says, “But the free gift is not like the trespass?”
If all people are condemned by the sin of Adam, does this verse support Universalism (that Jesus saves all people universally)? If not, how would you explain why salvation through Jesus is unique and personal for each person?
Read Romans 3:23-24 and make observations about how this all ties together.
GROWING TOGETHER | Spiritual Friendship
The idea of salvation being a “free gift” is difficult for many people to understand and receive. Why do you think this is so?
Religion can be defined as human efforts to appease a god or deity. How is the message of Christianity different?
MOVING OUTWARD | Faith in Action
Prayerfully consider with whom you might be able to share insights from this module. It truly is “good news!”