Grouped by: Parenting

    Christianity and Emotional Health
    02.02.22 | Emotional Health

    What the Bible says about pain, healing, identity, self-esteem, worry, anger, and shame. Emotions, and emotional people, often get a bad rap in our culture. The common thinking goes, “feelings are unreliable and not to be ...

      Top 5 Reasons People Struggle with God
      02.01.22 | Faith

      You are not alone. A lot of  intelligent and thoughtful people struggle with questions about how a God who is all good, all-powerful, and all knowing fails to meet our expectations or do the things we want. In a recent sermon series, the...

        Biblical Justice in a Modern World
        02.01.22 | Identity | Justice

        Reflecting God's ImageRacism, Poverty, Gender Identity, Abortion & More Injustice is the cause of much of the suffering we experience in our world, and a primary reason many people struggle with faith in God. Our culture has exploded with...

        Vasos Lee
        01.30.22 | Resources | My Story

        Vasos shares his story that led him to baptism, declaring to follow Jesus for the rest of his life.
