Stephen Ministry is Christ-centered, confidential, one on one care, and pairs up people who are going through difficult times with one of our Stephen Ministers. It’s Christ caring for people through people.
The caring relationship meets weekly, during a time that works with your schedule, to be a listening ear, offer encouragement, and to simply be a trusted presence in your life. It’s really like a spiritual companion who is there to offer Christ centered care for you.
The caring relationship will last as long as there is a need. Some have lasted a few weeks and others have continued for a few years. You and your Stephen Minister will decide what is best for you.
Simply email or call 303-452-5332 and let us know you’re interested. We will be back in touch with you to set up a time to talk about your situation to ensure that Stephen Ministry is right for you. After that, it’s as simple as connecting you with a Stephen Minister, and you both can plan your first meeting!
Those who wish to become a Stephen Minister must fill out the application (either electronically or print it and turn it in), have an interview with Stephen Leaders, pass a background check, and complete the 50 hours of training that takes place over the course of about 5 months. Applications will start being accepted in June, and trainings start every year in September.
After training is completed we will pair you up, one on one with a Care Receiver (men with men and women with women), and you will meet with them once a week for about an hour. Care relationships can last between 2 months and 2 years.
The main qualities that we look for in Stephen Ministers are a caring heart, a listening ear, a growing relationship with Christ, and a proven trustworthiness. We believe that Christ is the cure giver, as we are the care givers. We do not try to fix anyone. We are not licensed counselors. We are not spiritual directors. We do not sit across from our Care Receivers and preach to them. Stephen Ministry is about listening, supporting, encouraging and being a trustworthy presence in the life of someone who is hurting or going through a difficult time.
All of the Stephen Ministers meet in small groups once a month. During this time there is opportunity to have facilitator-led confidential discussion on how you are feeling about your caring relationship. This is a time to discuss challenges and issues that you may be experiencing and receive input and prayer support from the others in your group. Several times a year continuing education is offered during the monthly meeting.
Click here to find out more.
Would you like to become a Stephen Minister, and walk with people through seasons of suffering while offering emotional and spiritual support? Apply for the Fall 2025 training!
If interested, contact Pastor Chris
Being a Stephen Minister has been one of the best things I have ever done. The extensive and thorough training was excellent and prepared me to be an effective and compassionate servant as I minister to those who are facing difficult times in their lives. I found it to be very satisfying to share the love of Jesus with my Care Receiver through being engaged, sharing of scripture and through prayer. - Audrey