
Welcome to Crossroads Students

Our Vision: Joyfully leading the next generation of women and men in whole-person discipleship to Jesus, in partnership with parents.

What does that mean? We build fun spaces that forge friendships where our kids can deepen their faith in age-appropriate ways. Middle- and high-schoolers are growing so much—not just physically, but socially, emotionally, and spiritually. We want to see the transformative work of the gospel shape our kids in all areas of life.


Sunday Morning Services

Middle school: We call it The In Between, and it takes place in the Youth Room or Room 202. It’s ice breakers, games, and true-to-life discussions. We invite our kids to owning their faith for themselves bridging the gap between Sunday school and youth group—and having lots of fun along the way.

High school: We invite high schoolers to attend church with their families; they’re old enough to worship with the rest of the community!

Serving: We encourage middle- and high-schoolers to volunteer when they can. Our Family and Weekend Services teams especially draw on consistent, responsible volunteers from Crossroads Students!

Sunday Nights

Crossroads Students Night (Youth Group) is Sunday afternoons, 6-8pm for grades 6-12. After a time of worship and teaching, kids disperse by age and gender for small group discussion, and close out the time with something fun—and sometimes something crazy.

Join us for our current series. If you are new to Crossroads’ Students, pre-registration is available.

Student RegistratioNliability form

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Middle School & High School Winter Camps 2025

Middle School: February 7-9, Friday-Sunday
High School: February 21-23, Friday-Sunday
Drop Off Friday 4pm & Pick Up Sunday 4pm at Crossroads Church Youth 
Camp located at
Crooked Creek Ranch 3000 Co Rd 517, Fraser, CO 80442

Middle & High School Winter Camps are here where we will be joining multiple different churches from all across Colorado. We will be going to Crooked Creek Ranch, a Young Life Camp, up in Fraser Colorado. Join us for a time of great community development, and intentional connection to Jesus. Sign up early, space is limited and spots may sell out quickly. 

Middle School Registration High School Registration


Crossroads Students has key events we host to help new people connect with us and also for kids to grow deeper in relationships with each other and the adventure of following Jesus.  Below are the Crossroads Students events on the horizon.

Family Resources

teen baptism devotional

Digital Media Plan

Discover a comprehensive guide to cultivating intentional digital habits for your family. This is a customizable plan for a balanced relationship with technology, strengthening mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

customizable planplan components

Join the Crossroads Students Team!


We’re always looking for amazing adults (and teens) to join our team.  Click the link below to begin a conversation with one of our team leads about how you might get involved. 

I'm interested in joining the Students team!
