Weekly Update


Mark your calendars

by Pastor Matt Manning on August 23, 2024

1 Town Hall Meeting

Sunday, September 1, During each service, Room 200
Discover the details of the proposed Crossroads Church Master Plan for our property. This is an opportunity to give feedback and ask questions.

volunteer at the event here

2 Encourage young women

Costa Rica Missions Trip, January 22 to January 29, 2025
Join one of Crossroads' Global Servants, Barb Bolick, in celebrating the girls who have participated in the Talita Cumi Girl’s Club! A group of 6-8 women from Crossroads will be supporting leaders at camp with crafts, games and encouragement. Learn more

application deadline august 30

3 Last bits of summer 

Tuesday, August 27, 6:30pm-8pm, Upper East Parking Lot
All men,17 yrs and older, are invited to gather "on the rocks" around fire pits to talk and watch the sun set behind the mountains. Cigars OK if that's your thing!

4 Israel 2025 Meetings

Tuesday, September 3, 7pm OR Sunday, September 8, 2pm
Learn more about Israel Holy Land Tour, June 11-22, 2025

sign up for zoom link and updates


Thank you for your generous support of Crossroads Church. If you want to be a part of the mission of Crossroads through financial support, you can give in three ways. It's simple, yet significant!

give online

1) Give Online
2) Mail a check to: Crossroads Church, 10451 Huron St, Northglenn, Colorado 80234
3) Text 'crossroadsabc' to (833) 245-6255 for instructions on how to set up a gift.

Tags: renovation, men, israel, summer, men's ministry, pursuit, gathering, costa rica, voting, town hall, master plan, on the rocks, town hall meeting, renovations, crossroads church, discussion groups, crossroadsabc


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