Grouped by: Volunteer

    Weekend Services
    02.14.22 | Volunteer | Crossroads Teams

    I want to serve ProductionWe believe that God is the ultimate Creator and that He made us to create alongside Himself. Some of the ways we do this at Crossroads is through our Audio, Video, & Lighting (AVL). We desire to use all of the...

      Christianity and Emotional Health
      02.02.22 | Emotional Health

      What the Bible says about pain, healing, identity, self-esteem, worry, anger, and shame. Emotions, and emotional people, often get a bad rap in our culture. The common thinking goes, “feelings are unreliable and not to be ...

        Top 5 Reasons People Struggle with God
        02.01.22 | Faith

        You are not alone. A lot of  intelligent and thoughtful people struggle with questions about how a God who is all good, all-powerful, and all knowing fails to meet our expectations or do the things we want. In a recent sermon series, the...

          Biblical Justice in a Modern World
          02.01.22 | Identity | Justice

          Reflecting God's ImageRacism, Poverty, Gender Identity, Abortion & More Injustice is the cause of much of the suffering we experience in our world, and a primary reason many people struggle with faith in God. Our culture has exploded with...

          Vasos Lee
          01.30.22 | Resources | My Story

          Vasos shares his story that led him to baptism, declaring to follow Jesus for the rest of his life.

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