1 Global Servant Visit
Sunday, October 23
Melanie Baggao joins us from Lebanon! She'll be in the lobby between services, but you can also sign up for an info session to hear more in-depth about her work.
2 Halloween Patio Party
Sunday, October 30, Between Services
We are inviting you and the family to dress up in your favorite costumes, enjoy some trunk or treat in our parking lot as well as munch on some fun fall foods! Three ways you can help:
- Grab a bag of candy and drop off in the lobby this weekend.
- Sign up below to participate with a decorated trunk.
- Invite a friend, neighbor, co-worker to join you.
3 Quarterly Business Meeting
Sunday October 30, 1pm, In-Person Thornton and Online @ Crossroadsabc.LIVE
Here are items you need to know about:
- 1st Quarter Report 2022-23
- General Conditions
- View your personal giving statement on My Crossroads Community (MyCC).
- Update your contact/church profile info. Please take a moment to fill this out so we can better serve and connect with you.
If you have any questions that you would like to submit ahead of the business meeting, you can send them to with the subject line: Business Meeting.
4 Did you know?
We have a library of blogs to help with what life throws at you. Click here to discover Biblical answers to our everyday struggles.
Thank you for your generous support of Crossroads Church. If you want to be a part of the mission of Crossroads through financial support, you can give in three ways. It's simple, yet significant!